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Beneath the Diamond Sky (0)

Christopher Wakling



Editore: Picador USA

Anno: 2004

Lingua: Inglese

Rilegatura: Flessibile

Pagine: 393 Pagine

Isbn 10: 0330427024

Isbn 13: 9780330427029

Kashmir, the Himalayan foothills. Seven westerners on a misguided trekking expedition are taken hostage by separatist militants. Kate Cox and Ethan Hughes, a troubled young English couple, are among their number. At the mercy of hardened ideologues they cannot understand, the captives are pushed into a claustrophobic hell of shifting allegiances, where love and survival seem destined to collide. to fall apart. Rachel is tormented by the memory of her cold and dishonest relationship with her sister, Kate; Ethan's father, unwilling to confront cruel family truths, is ready to blame everybody but himself. Redemption depends upon the hostages' safe return, but as the prospect of their release fades so do their hopes of escape - and they already know the penalty for dissent . . . absorbing psychological examination of how character fragments under pressure. It is a beautifully written, blackly funny and terrifying read.

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